We are pleased to realize that we can still meet the PROFESSIONALS with a capital “P” on the chaotic service market of Moscow. We must admit that we cooperate with the personnel of Lada Translation with great pleasure and ease.
Although it is still a mystery for us how they manage to do extra-large rush translations, but what is important is that we have our documents translated by the specified time. Reviews performed by the experts of our company have revealed that all the translations were done by linguists who also had an excellent knowledge of legal terminology, as also confirmed by our foreign partners. It should be noted that translations are drawn up in the form exactly corresponding to that of the original documents and translator’s signature is notarized to be genuine, if so required.
In the course of our cooperation with Lada Translation, we were able to make sure of the high quality of its services, professional competence of its staff and flexibility of the offered solutions. When we place an order with Lada Translation, we definitely know that the translation will be done in the best way and within the agreed period of time.
We would like to express our thanks to the Director General and the team of Lada Translation for prompt and high-quality translation of our company’s documents from/into English, Arabian and other foreign languages.
Tibet Himalayas Restaurant and, personally, its Director General A.V. Sheluntsova express their thanks to Lada Translation Ltd. for its professional approach in providing translation services.
Quite often, the guests of Tibet Himalayas Restaurant located within minutes of walk to the Kremlin are foreigners. For the convenience of our foreign visitors, Lada Translation arranged for translation of booklets and menus into English, Arabian, Hindi and Kalmyk. The order was completed to the highest professional standards taking into account the specific nature of our business. Names and descriptions of menu items were translated quite precisely, while their meaning was conveyed in full. We are pleased to realize that, as a result of such efforts, many dishes offered by our restaurant have become more popular with the guests.
Atreya Ayurveda has been cooperating with Lada Translation Ltd. since 2011.
During the period of cooperation, Lada Translation proved to be a reliable partner.
Our orders were always given careful attention and completed within the agreed timeframes and taking into account the specific requirements to translations. We confirm the high professional level of translation, interpretation and proof-reading services provided by the translators/interpreters of Lada Translation in compliance with the world quality standards.
Alan Private Company expresses its thanks to the staff and translators/interpreters of Lada Translation Ltd. for the Russian to Chinese interpretation support services.
During our visit to China (Guangdong province) in July 2011, the interpreters provided by this translation company were extremely helpful for us. The negotiations with our business partners were more than a success largely due to the efforts of the interpreters as they were a connecting link between Alan’s representatives and our foreign partners.
Lada Translation has a team of highly professional translators and interpreters and careful, competent and agile personnel.
Their competence and promptness of their services help us cope with the linguistic tasks of our business.
We are satisfied with the work of Lada Translation, so we would like to recommend this company as a business partner for provision of translation/interpreting services.
Travel agency Yugi Travel and its Director General Yuliya Valerievna Gamza are satisfied with the experience of cooperation with Lada Translation Ltd.
Lada Translation attracts us by its wide choice of available languages being an important advantage in the travel business, the professional competence of its personnel and management and the adequacy of its translations – all these contributing to more efficient performance of our own company.
Lada Translation Ltd. is a regular provider of translation/interpreting services for Inter Group Expo. Over the period of our cooperation, this translation company has fulfilled orders placed by our foreign partner companies for consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.
It is especially notable that interpreters were provided promptly despite the extremely tight deadlines.
Professionals of Lada Translation Ltd. provide various translation services to our company and perform their job faultlessly. Most of our orders placed with this translation company are for consecutive interpretation during negotiations we have with our partners.
It should be especially noted that Lada Translation can always promptly provide highly skilled interpreters brilliantly managing their assignments for simultaneous and consecutive interpretation during presentations of our equipment.
During the period of our cooperation, the translators and personnel of Lada Translation Ltd. proved to be truly professional experts.
Promptness and accuracy in completion of assignments, high quality of translations, knowledge of legal and economic subjects, close attention to customer requests – all these are the characteristics applicable to this company and its business.
Among the translation agencies available in Moscow, Lada Translation Ltd. stands out for its perfectly managed translation processes, competent approach in providing translation/interpreting services and faultless customer care.
High quality of their legal translations became evident for us at once. It should be noted that all the translations are drawn up in the form exactly corresponding to that of the original documents and meet all those strict requirements to translations specified by our company.